Source code for luigi.contrib.bigquery

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Twitter Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import logging
import time
from luigi.contrib import gcp

from tenacity import retry
from tenacity import retry_if_exception
from tenacity import retry_if_exception_type
from tenacity import wait_exponential
from tenacity import stop_after_attempt

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

    import httplib2
    from googleapiclient import discovery
    from googleapiclient import errors
    from googleapiclient import http
except ImportError:
    logger.warning('BigQuery module imported, but google-api-python-client is '
                   'not installed. Any BigQuery task will fail')
    RETRYABLE_ERRORS = (httplib2.HttpLib2Error, IOError, TimeoutError, BrokenPipeError)

# Retry configurations. For more details, see
[docs] def is_error_5xx(err): return isinstance(err, errors.HttpError) and err.resp.status >= 500
bq_retry = retry(retry=(retry_if_exception(is_error_5xx) | retry_if_exception_type(RETRYABLE_ERRORS)), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=10), stop=stop_after_attempt(3), reraise=True, after=lambda x: x.args[0]._initialise_client() )
[docs] class FieldDelimiter: """ The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. To use a character in the range 128-255, you must encode the character as UTF8. BigQuery converts the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding, and then uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the data in its raw, binary state. BigQuery also supports the escape sequence "\t" to specify a tab separator. The default value is a comma (','). """ COMMA = ',' # Default TAB = "\t" PIPE = "|"
[docs] class PrintHeader: TRUE = True FALSE = False
[docs] class Compression: GZIP = 'GZIP' NONE = 'NONE'
[docs] class Encoding: """ [Optional] The character encoding of the data. The supported values are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. The default value is UTF-8. BigQuery decodes the data after the raw, binary data has been split using the values of the quote and fieldDelimiter properties. """ UTF_8 = 'UTF-8' ISO_8859_1 = 'ISO-8859-1'
BQDataset = collections.namedtuple('BQDataset', 'project_id dataset_id location')
[docs] class BQTable(collections.namedtuple('BQTable', 'project_id dataset_id table_id location')): @property def dataset(self): return BQDataset(project_id=self.project_id, dataset_id=self.dataset_id, location=self.location) @property def uri(self): return "bq://" + self.project_id + "/" + \ self.dataset.dataset_id + "/" + self.table_id
[docs] class BigQueryClient: """A client for Google BigQuery. For details of how authentication and the descriptor work, see the documentation for the GCS client. The descriptor URL for BigQuery is """ def __init__(self, oauth_credentials=None, descriptor='', http_=None): # Save initialisation arguments in case we need to re-create client # due to connection timeout self.oauth_credentials = oauth_credentials self.descriptor = descriptor self.http_ = http_ self._initialise_client() def _initialise_client(self): authenticate_kwargs = gcp.get_authenticate_kwargs(self.oauth_credentials, self.http_) if self.descriptor: self.client = discovery.build_from_document(self.descriptor, **authenticate_kwargs) else: self.client ='bigquery', 'v2', cache_discovery=False, **authenticate_kwargs)
[docs] @bq_retry def dataset_exists(self, dataset): """Returns whether the given dataset exists. If regional location is specified for the dataset, that is also checked to be compatible with the remote dataset, otherwise an exception is thrown. :param dataset: :type dataset: BQDataset """ try: response = self.client.datasets().get(projectId=dataset.project_id, datasetId=dataset.dataset_id).execute() if dataset.location is not None: fetched_location = response.get('location') if dataset.location != fetched_location: raise Exception('''Dataset already exists with regional location {}. Can't use {}.'''.format( fetched_location if fetched_location is not None else 'unspecified', dataset.location)) except http.HttpError as ex: if ex.resp.status == 404: return False raise return True
[docs] @bq_retry def table_exists(self, table): """Returns whether the given table exists. :param table: :type table: BQTable """ if not self.dataset_exists(table.dataset): return False try: self.client.tables().get(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, tableId=table.table_id).execute() except http.HttpError as ex: if ex.resp.status == 404: return False raise return True
[docs] def make_dataset(self, dataset, raise_if_exists=False, body=None): """Creates a new dataset with the default permissions. :param dataset: :type dataset: BQDataset :param raise_if_exists: whether to raise an exception if the dataset already exists. :raises if raise_if_exists=True and the dataset exists """ if body is None: body = {} try: # Construct a message body in the format required by # body['datasetReference'] = { 'projectId': dataset.project_id, 'datasetId': dataset.dataset_id } if dataset.location is not None: body['location'] = dataset.location self.client.datasets().insert(projectId=dataset.project_id, body=body).execute() except http.HttpError as ex: if ex.resp.status == 409: if raise_if_exists: raise else: raise
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, dataset, delete_nonempty=True): """Deletes a dataset (and optionally any tables in it), if it exists. :param dataset: :type dataset: BQDataset :param delete_nonempty: if true, will delete any tables before deleting the dataset """ if not self.dataset_exists(dataset): return self.client.datasets().delete(projectId=dataset.project_id, datasetId=dataset.dataset_id, deleteContents=delete_nonempty).execute()
[docs] def delete_table(self, table): """Deletes a table, if it exists. :param table: :type table: BQTable """ if not self.table_exists(table): return self.client.tables().delete(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, tableId=table.table_id).execute()
[docs] def list_datasets(self, project_id): """Returns the list of datasets in a given project. :param project_id: :type project_id: str """ request = self.client.datasets().list(projectId=project_id, maxResults=1000) response = request.execute() while response is not None: for ds in response.get('datasets', []): yield ds['datasetReference']['datasetId'] request = self.client.datasets().list_next(request, response) if request is None: break response = request.execute()
[docs] def list_tables(self, dataset): """Returns the list of tables in a given dataset. :param dataset: :type dataset: BQDataset """ request = self.client.tables().list(projectId=dataset.project_id, datasetId=dataset.dataset_id, maxResults=1000) response = request.execute() while response is not None: for t in response.get('tables', []): yield t['tableReference']['tableId'] request = self.client.tables().list_next(request, response) if request is None: break response = request.execute()
[docs] def get_view(self, table): """Returns the SQL query for a view, or None if it doesn't exist or is not a view. :param table: The table containing the view. :type table: BQTable """ request = self.client.tables().get(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, tableId=table.table_id) try: response = request.execute() except http.HttpError as ex: if ex.resp.status == 404: return None raise return response['view']['query'] if 'view' in response else None
[docs] def update_view(self, table, view): """Updates the SQL query for a view. If the output table exists, it is replaced with the supplied view query. Otherwise a new table is created with this view. :param table: The table to contain the view. :type table: BQTable :param view: The SQL query for the view. :type view: str """ body = { 'tableReference': { 'projectId': table.project_id, 'datasetId': table.dataset_id, 'tableId': table.table_id }, 'view': { 'query': view } } if self.table_exists(table): self.client.tables().update(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, tableId=table.table_id, body=body).execute() else: self.client.tables().insert(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, body=body).execute()
[docs] def run_job(self, project_id, body, dataset=None): """Runs a BigQuery "job". See the documentation for the format of body. .. note:: You probably don't need to use this directly. Use the tasks defined below. :param dataset: :type dataset: BQDataset :return: the job id of the job. :rtype: str :raises luigi.contrib.BigQueryExecutionError: if the job fails. """ if dataset and not self.dataset_exists(dataset): self.make_dataset(dataset) new_job =, body=body).execute() job_id = new_job['jobReference']['jobId']'Started import job %s:%s', project_id, job_id) while True: status =, jobId=job_id).execute(num_retries=10) if status['status']['state'] == 'DONE': if status['status'].get('errorResult'): raise BigQueryExecutionError(job_id, status['status']['errorResult']) return job_id'Waiting for job %s:%s to complete...', project_id, job_id) time.sleep(5)
[docs] def copy(self, source_table, dest_table, create_disposition=CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED, write_disposition=WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE): """Copies (or appends) a table to another table. :param source_table: :type source_table: BQTable :param dest_table: :type dest_table: BQTable :param create_disposition: whether to create the table if needed :type create_disposition: CreateDisposition :param write_disposition: whether to append/truncate/fail if the table exists :type write_disposition: WriteDisposition """ job = { "configuration": { "copy": { "sourceTable": { "projectId": source_table.project_id, "datasetId": source_table.dataset_id, "tableId": source_table.table_id, }, "destinationTable": { "projectId": dest_table.project_id, "datasetId": dest_table.dataset_id, "tableId": dest_table.table_id, }, "createDisposition": create_disposition, "writeDisposition": write_disposition, } } } self.run_job(dest_table.project_id, job, dataset=dest_table.dataset)
[docs] class BigQueryTarget( def __init__(self, project_id, dataset_id, table_id, client=None, location=None): self.table = BQTable(project_id=project_id, dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, location=location) self.client = client or BigQueryClient()
[docs] @classmethod def from_bqtable(cls, table, client=None): """A constructor that takes a :py:class:`BQTable`. :param table: :type table: BQTable """ return cls(table.project_id, table.dataset_id, table.table_id, client=client)
[docs] def exists(self): return self.client.table_exists(self.table)
def __str__(self): return str(self.table)
[docs] class MixinBigQueryBulkComplete: """ Allows to efficiently check if a range of BigQueryTargets are complete. This enables scheduling tasks with luigi range tools. If you implement a custom Luigi task with a BigQueryTarget output, make sure to also inherit from this mixin to enable range support. """
[docs] @classmethod def bulk_complete(cls, parameter_tuples): # Instantiate the tasks to inspect them tasks_with_params = [(cls(p), p) for p in parameter_tuples] if not tasks_with_params: return # Grab the set of BigQuery datasets we are interested in datasets = {t.output().table.dataset for t, p in tasks_with_params}'Checking datasets %s for available tables', datasets) # Query the available tables for all datasets client = tasks_with_params[0][0].output().client available_datasets = filter(client.dataset_exists, datasets) available_tables = {d: set(client.list_tables(d)) for d in available_datasets} # Return parameter_tuples belonging to available tables for t, p in tasks_with_params: table = t.output().table if table.table_id in available_tables.get(table.dataset, []): yield p
[docs] class BigQueryLoadTask(MixinBigQueryBulkComplete, luigi.Task): """Load data into BigQuery from GCS.""" @property def source_format(self): """The source format to use (see :py:class:`SourceFormat`).""" return SourceFormat.NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON @property def encoding(self): """The encoding of the data that is going to be loaded (see :py:class:`Encoding`).""" return Encoding.UTF_8 @property def write_disposition(self): """What to do if the table already exists. By default this will fail the job. See :py:class:`WriteDisposition`""" return WriteDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY @property def schema(self): """Schema in the format defined at If the value is falsy, it is omitted and inferred by BigQuery.""" return [] @property def max_bad_records(self): """ The maximum number of bad records that BigQuery can ignore when reading data. If the number of bad records exceeds this value, an invalid error is returned in the job result.""" return 0 @property def field_delimiter(self): """The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character.""" return FieldDelimiter.COMMA
[docs] def source_uris(self): """The fully-qualified URIs that point to your data in Google Cloud Storage. Each URI can contain one '*' wildcard character and it must come after the 'bucket' name.""" return [x.path for x in luigi.task.flatten(self.input())]
@property def skip_leading_rows(self): """The number of rows at the top of a CSV file that BigQuery will skip when loading the data. The default value is 0. This property is useful if you have header rows in the file that should be skipped.""" return 0 @property def allow_jagged_rows(self): """Accept rows that are missing trailing optional columns. The missing values are treated as nulls. If false, records with missing trailing columns are treated as bad records, and if there are too many bad records, an invalid error is returned in the job result. The default value is false. Only applicable to CSV, ignored for other formats.""" return False @property def ignore_unknown_values(self): """Indicates if BigQuery should allow extra values that are not represented in the table schema. If true, the extra values are ignored. If false, records with extra columns are treated as bad records, and if there are too many bad records, an invalid error is returned in the job result. The default value is false. The sourceFormat property determines what BigQuery treats as an extra value: CSV: Trailing columns JSON: Named values that don't match any column names""" return False @property def allow_quoted_new_lines(self): """ Indicates if BigQuery should allow quoted data sections that contain newline characters in a CSV file. The default value is false.""" return False
[docs] def configure_job(self, configuration): """Set additional job configuration. This allows to specify job configuration parameters that are not exposed via Task properties. :param configuration: Current configuration. :return: New or updated configuration. """ return configuration
[docs] def run(self): output = self.output() assert isinstance(output, BigQueryTarget), 'Output must be a BigQueryTarget, not %s' % (output) bq_client = output.client source_uris = self.source_uris() assert all(x.startswith('gs://') for x in source_uris) job = { 'configuration': { 'load': { 'destinationTable': { 'projectId': output.table.project_id, 'datasetId': output.table.dataset_id, 'tableId': output.table.table_id, }, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'sourceFormat': self.source_format, 'writeDisposition': self.write_disposition, 'sourceUris': source_uris, 'maxBadRecords': self.max_bad_records, 'ignoreUnknownValues': self.ignore_unknown_values } } } if self.source_format == SourceFormat.CSV: job['configuration']['load']['fieldDelimiter'] = self.field_delimiter job['configuration']['load']['skipLeadingRows'] = self.skip_leading_rows job['configuration']['load']['allowJaggedRows'] = self.allow_jagged_rows job['configuration']['load']['allowQuotedNewlines'] = self.allow_quoted_new_lines if self.schema: job['configuration']['load']['schema'] = {'fields': self.schema} else: job['configuration']['load']['autodetect'] = True job['configuration'] = self.configure_job(job['configuration']) bq_client.run_job(output.table.project_id, job, dataset=output.table.dataset)
[docs] class BigQueryRunQueryTask(MixinBigQueryBulkComplete, luigi.Task): @property def write_disposition(self): """What to do if the table already exists. By default this will fail the job. See :py:class:`WriteDisposition`""" return WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE @property def create_disposition(self): """Whether to create the table or not. See :py:class:`CreateDisposition`""" return CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED @property def flatten_results(self): """Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results. allowLargeResults must be true if this is set to False.""" return True @property def query(self): """The query, in text form.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def query_mode(self): """The query mode. See :py:class:`QueryMode`.""" return QueryMode.INTERACTIVE @property def udf_resource_uris(self): """Iterator of code resource to load from a Google Cloud Storage URI (gs://bucket/path). """ return [] @property def use_legacy_sql(self): """Whether to use legacy SQL """ return True
[docs] def configure_job(self, configuration): """Set additional job configuration. This allows to specify job configuration parameters that are not exposed via Task properties. :param configuration: Current configuration. :return: New or updated configuration. """ return configuration
[docs] def run(self): output = self.output() assert isinstance(output, BigQueryTarget), 'Output must be a BigQueryTarget, not %s' % (output) query = self.query assert query, 'No query was provided' bq_client = output.client'Launching Query')'Query destination: %s (%s)', output, self.write_disposition)'Query SQL: %s', query) job = { 'configuration': { 'query': { 'query': query, 'priority': self.query_mode, 'destinationTable': { 'projectId': output.table.project_id, 'datasetId': output.table.dataset_id, 'tableId': output.table.table_id, }, 'allowLargeResults': True, 'createDisposition': self.create_disposition, 'writeDisposition': self.write_disposition, 'flattenResults': self.flatten_results, 'userDefinedFunctionResources': [{"resourceUri": v} for v in self.udf_resource_uris], 'useLegacySql': self.use_legacy_sql, } } } job['configuration'] = self.configure_job(job['configuration']) bq_client.run_job(output.table.project_id, job, dataset=output.table.dataset)
[docs] class BigQueryCreateViewTask(luigi.Task): """ Creates (or updates) a view in BigQuery. The output of this task needs to be a BigQueryTarget. Instances of this class should specify the view SQL in the view property. If a view already exist in BigQuery at output(), it will be updated. """ @property def view(self): """The SQL query for the view, in text form.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def complete(self): output = self.output() assert isinstance(output, BigQueryTarget), 'Output must be a BigQueryTarget, not %s' % (output) if not output.exists(): return False existing_view = output.client.get_view(output.table) return existing_view == self.view
[docs] def run(self): output = self.output() assert isinstance(output, BigQueryTarget), 'Output must be a BigQueryTarget, not %s' % (output) view = self.view assert view, 'No view was provided''Create view')'Destination: %s', output)'View SQL: %s', view) output.client.update_view(output.table, view)
[docs] class ExternalBigQueryTask(MixinBigQueryBulkComplete, luigi.ExternalTask): """ An external task for a BigQuery target. """ pass
[docs] class BigQueryExtractTask(luigi.Task): """ Extracts (unloads) a table from BigQuery to GCS. This tasks requires the input to be exactly one BigQueryTarget while the output should be one or more GCSTargets from luigi.contrib.gcs depending on the use of destinationUris property. """ @property def destination_uris(self): """ The fully-qualified URIs that point to your data in Google Cloud Storage. Each URI can contain one '*' wildcard character and it must come after the 'bucket' name. Wildcarded destinationUris in GCSQueryTarget might not be resolved correctly and result in incomplete data. If a GCSQueryTarget is used to pass wildcarded destinationUris be sure to overwrite this property to suppress the warning. """ return [x.path for x in luigi.task.flatten(self.output())] @property def print_header(self): """Whether to print the header or not.""" return PrintHeader.TRUE @property def field_delimiter(self): """ The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. """ return FieldDelimiter.COMMA @property def destination_format(self): """ The destination format to use (see :py:class:`DestinationFormat`). """ return DestinationFormat.CSV @property def compression(self): """Whether to use compression.""" return Compression.NONE
[docs] def configure_job(self, configuration): """Set additional job configuration. This allows to specify job configuration parameters that are not exposed via Task properties. :param configuration: Current configuration. :return: New or updated configuration. """ return configuration
[docs] def run(self): input = luigi.task.flatten(self.input())[0] assert ( isinstance(input, BigQueryTarget) or (len(input) == 1 and isinstance(input[0], BigQueryTarget))), \ 'Input must be exactly one BigQueryTarget, not %s' % (input) bq_client = input.client destination_uris = self.destination_uris assert all(x.startswith('gs://') for x in destination_uris)'Launching Extract Job')'Extract source: %s', input)'Extract destination: %s', destination_uris) job = { 'configuration': { 'extract': { 'sourceTable': { 'projectId': input.table.project_id, 'datasetId': input.table.dataset_id, 'tableId': input.table.table_id }, 'destinationUris': destination_uris, 'destinationFormat': self.destination_format, 'compression': self.compression } } } if self.destination_format == 'CSV': # "Only exports to CSV may specify a field delimiter." job['configuration']['extract']['printHeader'] = self.print_header job['configuration']['extract']['fieldDelimiter'] = \ self.field_delimiter job['configuration'] = self.configure_job(job['configuration']) bq_client.run_job( input.table.project_id, job, dataset=input.table.dataset)
# the original inconsistently capitalized aliases, for backwards compatibility BigqueryClient = BigQueryClient BigqueryTarget = BigQueryTarget MixinBigqueryBulkComplete = MixinBigQueryBulkComplete BigqueryLoadTask = BigQueryLoadTask BigqueryRunQueryTask = BigQueryRunQueryTask BigqueryCreateViewTask = BigQueryCreateViewTask ExternalBigqueryTask = ExternalBigQueryTask
[docs] class BigQueryExecutionError(Exception): def __init__(self, job_id, error_message) -> None: """ :param job_id: BigQuery Job ID :type job_id: str :param error_message: status['status']['errorResult'] for the failed job :type error_message: str """ super().__init__('BigQuery job {} failed: {}'.format(job_id, error_message)) self.error_message = error_message self.job_id = job_id